Mobile Applications for AIS Tracking and Data Analysis

AIS is a tracking system used aboard ships and by vessel traffic services (VTS) to identify and locate vessels. It accomplishes this by automatically exchanging data with other ships, AIS base stations, and satellites. This data includes unique identification, position, course, and speed, providing a comprehensive situational awareness to all parties involved in maritime navigation. […]

AIS Anomalies

An AIS anomaly occurs when the data transmitted by a vessel’s AIS device deviates from expected patterns or when the information is missing, incorrect, or suspicious. These anomalies can be subtle or obvious, but either way, they need careful attention to ensure they don’t lead to misunderstandings or unsafe situations at sea.   Identifying AIS […]

AIS Voluntary Observing Ships Program

AIS is an automatic tracking system used on ships and by vessel traffic services. It provides information such as identification, position, speed, and course of ships, enhancing maritime safety and the protection of the environment. By broadcasting these details, AIS aids in avoiding vessel collisions and assists in the efficient navigation of crowded sea lanes. […]

How Navies Use AIS

AIS is an automatic tracking system that uses transponders on ships and is used by vessel traffic services. Ships equipped with AIS transceivers can automatically exchange data with other nearby ships, AIS base stations, and satellites, including information on identification, position, course, and speed, helping to avoid collisions and navigate safely. Navy ships, equipped with […]

Addressing AIS Spoofing and Jamming

AIS spoofing involves the deliberate transmission of fake AIS signals. These false signals can create nonexistent vessels on navigation displays or alter the perceived position, direction, or other navigational details of actual vessels. Besides posing a collision risk, they enable illicit activities by allowing vessels to obscure their true movements or identity.  A relatively straightforward […]

AIS Assistance in Polar Expeditions and Shipping

The Role of AIS in Polar Regions The primary contribution of AIS in polar navigation is the enhancement of situational awareness. Given the limited visibility and unpredictable conditions characteristic of polar regions, being able to ascertain the presence, position, and intentions of nearby vessels is necessary. AIS provides this information, allowing ship operators to make […]

AIS Connectivity Issues at Sea

Common AIS Connectivity Issues A core functionality of AIS is its ability to send and receive signals, highlighting the positions and movements of vessels. Complications can arise, such as weak signal reception or the inability to transmit data efficiently. These issues are frequently attributed to obstructed signal paths, poor antenna placement, or even hardware damage. […]

Customizing AIS Alerts for Enhanced Maritime Security

By tailoring alerts to specific operational needs or threats, crew members can receive timely and relevant information about their immediate maritime environment. This fine-tuning allows for a more focused awareness of potential navigational hazards, vessel movements, and other critical factors, thereby reducing the risk of collision and other sea-related incidents. The seas are fraught with […]

The Role of AIS in Cruise Ship Navigation

AIS in Enhancing Passenger Safety AIS allows for the continuous exchange of vital information, including location, speed, and navigational status, between vessels and maritime authorities. By furnishing captains and navigational officers with a comprehensive awareness of their surroundings, particularly in traffic-dense or narrow passages, AIS empowers them to make informed decisions, significantly reducing the incidences […]

AIS in Collision Avoidance Systems

The Role of AIS in Collision Avoidance AIS operates by broadcasting vessel information, including identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status, and other safety-related messages. This information becomes a vital resource for all nearby seafaring entities, enhancing situational awareness and aiding in decision-making processes critical to avoiding potential accidents. By receiving detailed data on the […]